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Isra Pache is a visual artist from Querétaro, Mexico, who works with various mediums to explore the themes of distortion in identity and memory, signature, imagination and landscape. He has participated in numerous designs and installations of community murals and graffiti art, and he has shown his work in Mexico, Spain, and the US. He lives and works in Salt Lake City.





Hidden Realities, Salt Lake City Public Library, Salt Lake City, UT, forthcoming December 2014

Wandering Volcano, National Park Service Artist-in-Residence, Craters of the Moon NM, May - August 2014

"Me Porto Male," Quarterly West Issue 82, Summer 2014

"Esquivel" and "Unicornio Muerto," Quarterly West Issue 80, Fall 2013

"El de Venir del Ser Pictorico," Galería Tarima, Querétaro, January 2012

"Fiesta," Malavida, Querétaro, June 2011

"Ojo Cósmico," Cantina Boss, Querétaro Exhibition, February 2009

Píxel de Noche, Casa Mota, Querétaro, November 2008

Calendario Cantinas y Bares, Querétaro, selected paintings published in reproduction, November 2008

Centro Municipal Deportivo Santa Bárbara, Concurso de Pinta de Automóviles, September 2008

"Juliana," "Espagueti II," and "Autoretrato," Píxel Galería, Querétaro Sur, June 2008

Delegación Municipal Santa Bárbara, Concurso de Mural en Contra de las Drogas, May 2008

"Niño Diamante" and "Paisajes," Galería de Torrox, Malaga, Spain, March 2008

Selected paintings, Píxel Galería Centro, Querétaro, September 2007
Exposición del Arte Reciclable, Biblioteca Central Gómez Morín, Exhibition, August 2007
Selected paintings, Instituto Oriente Arboledas, June 2007
"Retrato de lo Indefinido, "Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, March 2007
Selected paintings, Centro Cultural de Celaya, Querétaro, February 2007

"Reloj de Arena" and "A-dios" Bienal Nacional de Julio Castillo Querétaro 2006, December 2006

Selected paintings, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, January 2006
"Interior," Museo de la Ciudad, Expo Colectivo Ángeles y Demonios, December 2005






Mural, Sunset Bay, Seattle, WA, June 2011
Community mural, Center for Human Services, Ballinger Homes, Seattle, WA, Cultural Festival, June 2009

Centro Deportivo José María Truchuelo, Colectivo Aleados Graffiti Expo Internacional, February 2009

Mentarosa and Los Musicos, Píxel Galería, Querétaro Sur, community mural, June 2008
Derechos Humanos, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía Expo Mural, November 2006
Instituto Queretano de la Juventud, Pulso Joven, Expo Graffiti, October 2006
La Sangre, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Medicina, April 2006
Tendedero Artístico, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Bellas Artes, July 2005






Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico

2002 - 2005 (Fine Arts, Painting)

2010 - present

2010 - present

This website content is submitted to copyright laws.

All works copyright Israel Aguilar Pacheco 2021

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